Winter Newsletter


You should have received your annual assessment statement letter from Goodwin; if not, please contact Assessments are due Jan 1, and can be paid through TownSq, check, or your bank’s bill pay feature—instructions are included with the statement.

The assessment rate did not go up for 2024, though we expect an increase next year as we have not kept up with inflation costs for vendors. We will base the decision on a Reserve study due in Jan, which an outside engineer will audit our common areas and facilities and give us a long range plan for what we need to maintain in our ‘reserve’ fund. Currently we are in good financial shape, but have some major expenditures coming with replastering the Lakeline pool. Financial documents are posted in TownSq — see the Documents > Announcements for WBC 2023 Annual Meeting Handout.pdf. The Reserve Study will be posted in January.


Great turnout for Santa in the Park on December 3rd. Neighbors enjoyed a cocoa bar, adult refreshments, crafts, cookies, games, an escape room, snow(!), and photos with Santa.

We plan on having more events in 2024, and look forward to your input (and volunteers!) for what you would like to see. Speaking of input…

TownSq Forum

We have a new feature in TownSq, the forum. Connect with your neighbors, recommend local businesses or contractors, borrow a ladder, announce your kid’s babysitting/pet sitting/lawn mowing service, and ask questions for the board and your neighbors. We will also be using it to announce events or send out polls for feedback. This is internal to our community, unlike Facebook or NextDoor, and just ask basic respect for your fellow neighbors. For private questions to the board, we still have the Contact form, or you can email

Next Meeting - JAN 9 2024

The January Board meeting will be held January 9. Zoom link will be posted with the announcement in TownSq prior to the meeting; you should get an email reminder to the address you have setup in TownSq. We will approve the meeting schedule for the year then, which will likely remain second Tuesday of each month at 7PM. The board is exploring in-person and hybrid meetings for 2024.